Monday, January 28, 2008

Through out our trip to England we visited Oxford, Bath, Canterbury, Cambridge and London. I took over three hundred pictures and it would be impossible for me to post them all. However, I hope these pictures allow you to view a quick overview of two weeks. Enjoy the highlights!

Bath Abbey located in Bath, England.

Bath Abbey, The stain glass window behind the high alter.

Like many cathedrals through out Europe, the Abbey's architecture was very ornate.

Remains of Norman Castle in Canterbury, England.

Alex and I inside the remains of Norman Castle. We look so small in such a BIG place!
The candle represents the memorial site for Thomas Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral.

One of the many stain glass windows in Canterbury Cathedral.
The entrance of Canterbury Cathedral at night.The "back portion" of Canterbury Cathedral. It was impossible to get this immense building in one single picture.
C.S. Lewis's garden at The Kilns (his home). Oxford, EnglandThe Kilns. Oxford, England

Holy Trinity Church. C.S. Lewis is buried here. Oxford, England
C.S. Lewis's grave site. The quote reads, " Men must endure their going hence." The same quote that was on his calendar the day his mother died.
Christ Church. This is one of the colleges that makes up Oxford University. Oxford, England

Quad at Christ Church. Oxford, England
The Hall at Christ Church. Look familiar? The directors of the film Harry Potter used this as the dining hall of Hogwarts.

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