Monday, January 28, 2008

Matt Watts' Top Ten Shots... kinda

This is a very difficult thing for me... choosing only 10 of over 1700 photos.

So I am going to cheat a little bit. I am planning on posting my Top 10 England Shots and a Top 10 Photographic Shots as well as my Top 10 Most Hilarious/Random Shots (maybe even another Top 10 if I think of one.)

So here it goes:

View from the Tower of University Church! We had to walk up
the smallest spiral staircase to get up there but it was worth it!

Here is a group shot of some of us in front of Big Ben in London.
We spent two days taking London in and barely scratched the surface!
This was the courtyard of King's College in Cambridge... simply AMAZING!
The weather was especially great this day and there were many great
sights to see! We also went punting (a English boat ride!)
This is the library at St. John's College in Oxford. Not only did it have
one of the first (if not the first) copy of Canterbury Tales (worth over
$10 million dollars) but it also housed a 13th century Bible, the original
letters of Jane Austen and many compilations of theological writers
collected throughout the 16th-18th centuries. (need I say more???)
This is the pub that the Inklings (Lewis' writing society) met
to discuss and critique each others' works. JRR Tolkien also
attended and presented his ideas on the Lord of the Rings
(which recently was made into a 3-part series and was very
famous in the United States.)
This is C.S. Lewis' home desk outside of Oxford at the Kilns.
Some of the things on his desk were his belongings or things
he would have had when he lived there. Our time at his house
was a chance to let it all out and make this trip worthwhile.
This is a GORGEOUS stained glass window
at Canterbury Cathedral (a place known for its
pilgrimages such as Chaucer's "Canterbuy Tales")

This is a lamp at Bath Abbey Church.
I thought it looked pretty.

This is shot of a Unviersity or Chapel in
Oxford, England with the moon.
(Not many days were this clear...)
This is Hayes asleep in a Tomb at the
First Century AD Roman Baths... in Bath, England
(I wonder where they got the city name...?)
Posted by: Matt Watts

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